Zongyang Conch All-vanadium Redox Flow Battery Energy Storage Power Station Can Achieve A Discharge Capacity Of 15.8 Million Kwh Per Year

In the Zongyang Conch factory in Anhui Province, the neatly arranged “white containers” are particularly eye-catching. They are the battery containers of the all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage power station. In the critical period when the factory area is facing the peak summer season, this power station is like a large “power bank” that can provide sufficient backup power.
As Conch’s first all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage demonstration project, Zongyang Conch 6MW/36MWh all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage demonstration power station is also the largest all-vanadium redox flow battery user-side energy storage power station in the industry.
“The all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage power station project adopts the operation method of peak shaving and valley filling, and has functions such as peak regulation and frequency regulation. From this point of view, it is more like a smart power bank!” Project leader Li Jiamin said, “It can discharge 15.8 million kWh per year, which can effectively alleviate the peak power supply pressure. Through valley charging and peak discharge, it can continuously improve the efficiency of power resource allocation and reduce production costs. When there is a large gap in power demand, it can provide the peak power load for the company’s production line, so as to achieve the purpose of distributing electricity to the people.”

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