VN Bidding Prices Continue To Decline, And Pessimism In The Vanadium Market Is Strong Summary of transaction prices of vanadium products: vanadium-nitrogen alloy is 141,000-143,000 CNY/Ton (by acceptance), ferrovanadium is 102,000-105,000 CNY/Ton (by acceptance); retail V2O5 flake is 94,000 CNY/Ton in cash, and ammonium metavanadate is 90,000-91,000 CNY/Ton in cash.

In terms of alloys: Bidding prices of vanadium-nitrogen alloy continued to fall, with prices falling again by 2,000 CNY/Ton from last Friday. Large-scale steel mills are increasing their efforts to lower prices, and the pressure on vanadium and nitrogen mills is deepening. At present, most of them suspend making offers. Traders’ purchasing prices are expected to drop to around 136,000-137,000 CNY/Ton in cash, but it is difficult to inquire at low prices. The decline in ferrovanadium transactions has accelerated, and the bidding has dropped to 102,000-103,000 CNY/Ton (by acceptance); traders are mainly waiting and cautious in purchasing, but manufacturers are still under pressure from production costs, and most of the quotations are in cash at 103,000-105,000 CNY/Ton.

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