Vanadium Weekly Review During 29 January-2 February, 2024

This week, the transaction volume of the vanadium market first rose and then stabilized, with the price increase of various vanadium products ranging from 1,500 to 6,000 yuan/ton. At the beginning of the week, major V2O5 Flake manufacturers took the lead in announcing that long-term orders from January to February would continue to be accepted for 98,000 yuan/ton by acceptance (96,000 yuan/ton by cash). With the follow-up of the vanadium-nitrogen alloy steel bidding, the transaction volume of vanadium products stopped falling and rebounded. Steel bidding price for Vanadium-nitrogen alloy was at around 139,000-142,000 yuan/ton by acceptance. Retail V2O5 Flake was at around 89,000-90,000 yuan/ton by cash. Transactions of ferrovanadium and AMV were still small, but both prices increased with the V2O5 Flake. As the downstream markets have been closed one after another this week, after the vanadium price rose with a small amount of transactions at the beginning of the week, the vanadium market fell into desertion again after Wednesday, and the overall transactions became stable.

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