V2O5 Flake Continues To Fall, And Vn Alloy Manufacturers Are Mainly Waiting And Watching

www.ferroalloynet.com: Today’s quotation summary of domestic vanadium products: ammonium metavanadate is 100,000-101,000 CNY/Ton, retail V2O5 flake is 102,000-103,000 CNY/Ton, ferrovanadium is 114,000-115,000 CNY/Ton, and vanadium-nitrogen alloy is 155,000-156,000 CNY/Ton, all prices are in cash including tax.

At the beginning of the week, the domestic vanadium market continued to weaken, small V2O5 flake factories lowered their quotations, and their shipment intentions increased, while downstream alloy factories had few inquiries, they purchased cautiously and continued to wait and see. However, some traders are interested in buying goods, and the intended purchase price of V2O5 flake does not exceed 102,000 CNY/Ton in cash. Ammonium metavanadate is in an embarrassing situation, and manufacturers have low quotation intentions. At present, it has been difficult to make a deal with cash of 100,000 CNY/Ton, and the upstream and downstream are in a state of stalemate. On the alloy side, vanadium-nitrogen alloy factories have low quotation intentions, some manufacturers give offer prices at 155,000-156,000 CNY/Ton in cash, and 114,000-115,000 CNY/Ton in cash for ferrovanadium, transaction is not easy, and the trading in the vanadium market slows down.

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