United States Ferro-Vanadium Import And Export Statistics 202306

BEIJING (Asian Metal) 15 Sep 23 

  • Import Statistics
  • USD-mt
  • HS Code:720292
  • HS Code Date Region Volume Value Price
    720292 202306 Total 217.99 10,740,000 49,268.315
    720292 202306 Austria 144 4,081,000 28,340.278
    720292 202306 Canada 73.99 2,315,000 31,288.012
    720292 202306 Czech Republic 0 4,344,000
  • Export Statistics
  • USD-mt
  • HS Code:720292

For more information, please visit: https://www.asianmetal.com/news/1983248/United-States-ferro-vanadium-import-and-export-statistics-202306/17

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