China firmly opposes US tariffs on Chinese imports, says Chinese embassy in US


Date: Mar 23, 2018

China is strongly disappointed and firmly opposes the unilateral trade protectionist action introduced by the Trump administration against Chinese imports, said the Chinese Embassy in the United States on Thursday.

“China does not want a trade war with anyone. But China is not afraid of and will not recoil from a trade war,” said the embassy in a statement.

“If a trade war were initiated by the United States, China would fight to the end to defend its own legitimate interests with all necessary measures,” it added.

Earlier on Thursday, US President Donald Trump signed a memorandum that could impose tariffs on up to $60 billion worth of imports from China, the latest unilateral move that poses a threat to global trade.

“The actions undertaken by the United States are self-defeating,” said the statement, warning that they will directly harm the interests of US consumers, companies, and financial markets.

“They also jeopardize international trade order and world economic stability,” it said.

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