Vanadium Market Insider Is Mainly Wait-and-see, Waiting For The Final Pricing Of Large V2o5 Flake Manufacturers Summary of transaction prices of vanadium products: vanadium nitrogen alloy is 153,000-155,000 CNY/Ton (by acceptance), ferrovanadium is 113,000-115,000 CNY/Ton (by acceptance); retail V2O5 flake is 101,000 CNY/Ton in cash, and ammonium metavanadate is 98,000-99,000 CNY/Ton in cash.

In terms of alloys: Vanadium-nitrogen alloy bidding is operating under pressure. At present, the production of vanadium-nitrogen alloys is in an upside-down state. Some manufacturers’ quotations are temporarily firm at 153,000-155,000 CNY/Ton in cash, but transactions at this price are difficult. Trader inquiries are expected to have been reduced to less than 150,000 CNY/Ton in cash, and inquiry is the main market, but few actual orders. The high quotations of ferrovanadium manufacturers decreased, manufacturers in Liaoning area quoted at 113,000-114,000 CNY/Ton in cash, and the actual transaction was not easy.

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