Analysis On V2O5 Flake Operating Rate And Output Statistics In April 2023 According to the incomplete statistics of 31 vanadium pentoxide (V2O5 flake) enterprises on FerroAlloyNet, there were about 20 enterprises in production in April, the operating rate of enterprises was about 64.5%, and the total output was about 10,240 tons, a decrease of 4.3% from the previous month and a year-on-year increase of 3.6%. Among them, Pangang Group reaches 3,450 tons, 1,200 tons of Chenggang, 1,360 tons of Jianlong, 860 tons of Tranvic, 770 tons of Desheng and 500 tons of Dazhou Iron & Steel.

Product Operating rate Change MOM(%) Output(Ton) Change MOM(Ton)
V2O5 flake 64.50% ↑3.2% 10240 ↓460